Open By Appointment
Artisan Framing Studio is a home-based studio. This allows us to keep our costs down and to provide more flexible hours than regular brick and mortar shops. Our “By Appointment” setup allows for individualized and uninterruped framing consultations.
Call or text Julie at 612-388-2429, schedule an appointment through the Appointment Calendar or submit an email request below (include the date and time).
Monday-Thursday 8:00am to 8:00pm
Friday 8:00am to 6:00pm
Saturday 10:00am to 4:00pm
Sunday by Request
Studio Entrance and Parking in Back

Photo shows the front of the residence from Nicollet Avenue S. Please park and enter in the back.

From Nicollet Ave S, turn onto 72nd Street, take the first right into alley and head south, look for the Artisan Framing Studio sign on your right. Park in the driveway and enter through back door (shown above).